The Colloquium Adamantianum II: Prof. Anders-Christian Jacobsen's work on Origen
On the upcoming Colloquium Adamantianum II in Cambridge (2nd June 2018), the papers and discussions will revolve around the work on Origen by Prof. Anders Christian Jacobsen. Everybody is invited to attend.

Colloquium Adamantianum
II. Christ – The Teacher of Salvation
Anders-Christian Jacobsen
The Colloquium Adamantianum is a biannual workshop hosted by the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism. Each of the Colloquia revolves around the research of one pre-eminent contemporary scholar on Origen and the Alexandrian tradition, exploring the Platonist origins of Christian metaphysics. The first one focused on Theo Kobusch (see the report on this event here); the second (June 2, 10:00-19:00) will focus on Anders-Christian Jacobsen.
In his monograph Christ – The Teacher of Salvation, Anders-Christian Jacobsen proposes a comprehensive rereading of the whole extant corpus of Origen’s writings. Just as Christ adjusts his teachings to the intellectual maturity of the fallen souls, Origen follows the Christological principle of accommodation in his more popular homilies and his more demanding philosophical and exegetical writings. Still, the Alexandrian is shown to hold a consistent systematic view of God, world and man. It informs a Christology which fuses the Christian Platonist’s own key conviction of Christ as the embodiment of divine pedagogy with the biblical notions of sacrifice and atonement. All the lectures will revolve around this work.
Everybody is invited to the event.
Find the program and contact information in this folder.<font color="#000120"></font>