Annual seminars in AAR
Michael Raubach along with the ITN team has been granted the opportunity to host five AAR seminars focusing on Origen and the Roots of Human Freedom and Human Dignity in the West.
We are proud to announce that Michael Raubach, one of the ITN ESRs, has been granted the opportunity together with the ITN steering group to host a seminar at the next five American Academy of Religion annual meetings, beginning with the 2017 conference in Boston, Massachusetts. The seminars will be conducted within the framework of the ITN and focus on Origen and the Roots of Human Freedom and Human Dignity in the West. We are tremendously excited to disseminate our research and broaden our network of scholars. If you would like to propose an abstract, follow the link below to see the call for papers: Whether you present or not, we would love to see you there!
The 2017 Annual Meetings in Boston, Massachusetts, November 18–21, hosted by the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature, is the world's largest gathering of scholars interested in the study of religion. Academic sessions, workshops, meetings, receptions, and tours – more than 1,000 events take place during the Annual Meetings. The Annual Meetings Employment Center provides job seekers and employers a convenient, private setting for interviews. The Annual Meetings Exhibit Hall, with more than 130 publishers exhibiting, is the best place to review the latest publications within the field. The Annual Meetings offers unparalleled opportunities to engage with leading scholars and scholarship within the field of religion. Register this spring to receive the best attendee rate and hotel selection, and join some 10,000 attendees who are expected to attend the 2017 Annual Meetings!