Fürst on Exegesis, Philosophy, and Spirituality in Early Christianity: New lectures available as videos
In February, Prof. Dr. Alfons Fürst went to Egypt to give a series of guest lectures on "Exegesis, Philosophy, and Spirituality in Early Christianity" in which Origen of Alexandria plays a significant role. The lectures were recorded and are now available for watching, seeing and learning - in English and Arabic.

Exegesis, Philosophy, and Spirituality in Early Christianity
Prof. Dr. Alfons Fürst went to Egypt in February for a series of guest lectures on "Exegesis, Philosophy, and Spirituality in Early Christianity. The lectures were given in Cairo, Alexandria and in Paromeos Monastery in Wadi el-Natrun to a variety of audiences. The focus of the lectures was on the beginnings of exegesis in Early Christianity, and they dealt with several authors with a focus on Origen of Alexandria.
These lectures have been recorded, and you can see and hear them on Youtube or below (English with Arabic translation). The recordings from the Alexandria School Foundation for Christian Studies (ASFCS) in Cairo each consist of three lectures at on the topic "Exegesis and Philosophy in Early Christianity" and "Exegesis as a Way of Life", and Origen of Alexandria played a significant role in these lectures.
Exegesis and Philosophy in Early Christianity
Exegesis as a Way of Life