International Conference for Early Career Researchers in Early Christianity
On April 9 from 14:15, the Faculty of Arts at the University of Bristol and the Theologische Fakultät Fulda invites everyone to attend a one-day International Conference for Early Career Researchers in Early Christianity in Fulda, Germany.

International Conference for Early Career Researchers in Early Christianity
On April 9, a one-day International Conference for Early Career Researchers in Early Christianity takes place in Fulda (Germany). The event is organized by the Faculty of Arts at Bristol University in collaboration with the Faculty of Theology in Fulda and gathers researchers working on Early Christian authors from different European countries. This includes ESRs Sara Contini and Ilaria Scarponi who will be presenting on Origen and his legacy. Everyone is invited to attend.
The program can be found below or downloaded here.
14:15 Welcome by Karla Pollmann and Notker Baumann
14:20 The Early Church and Its Pagan Past
- Fiona McMeekin (Bristol): Ancient Virtues in Early Christian Martyrological Writings
- Guntram Förster (Würzburg): Augustine’s Response to Pagan Questions Regarding Their Religion (Letter 102)
- Lorenzo Livorsi (Bristol): Venantius Fortunatus’ epic De Vita S. Martini between Hagiography and Panegyric
Chair: Karla Pollmann (University of Bristol)
15:20 Origen and the Consequences
- Sara Contini (Bristol): Origen on Human Dignity
- Ilaria Scarponi (Bristol): Freedom of Choice in Origen and in the 4th/5th centuries
- Marion Marb (Fulda): Interpreting the Song of Songs in Origen and Bernard of Clairvaux
Chair: Notker Baumann (Theologische Fakultät Fulda)
16:20 Coffee break
17:00 The Early Church as a Treasure Trove I
- Sören vom Schloß (Fulda): Deus enim tibi uenter. A Commentary on Tertullian, De Ieiunio
in Psychicos
- Michael Bußer (Würzburg/Fulda): Lactantius and Constantine
- Nicolas Kusser (Würzburg): Iconoclasm in the Early Church
Chair: Matthew Nicholls (St John’s College, Oxford)
18:00 The Early Church as a Treasure Trove II
- Amy Nizolek (Bristol): Time and Divinity in Antiquity and Early Christianity
- Notker Baumann: Humility in Augustine
- Karla Pollmann: Augustine on Human Freedom and Dignity
Chair: Christian Tornau (University of Würzburg)
19:15 Supper in the Priesterseminar
Format: 10 minutes introduction of individual project, 10 minutes discussion. Venue:
Ausstellungsraum der Bibliothek des Bischöflichen Priesterseminars
Theologische Fakultät Fulda
Domdechanei 4
D-36037 Fulda, Germany
For further information on the event, please contact Notker Baumann (
The event is sponsored by the EU project The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in
Western Civilization and the Theologische Fakultät Fulda.