Open PhD course: Origen’s Philosophy of Freedom in 17th-Century England
All PhD fellows are invited to participate in the ITN course Origen’s Philosophy of Freedom in 17th-Century England. It is arranged by Münster University and takes place October 19-21.
Thursday, 19 October
20.00-22.00: Keynote to the Workshop (Public Evening Lecture)
Saskia Wendel (Cologne): Embodied Freedom
Friday, 20 October: Workshop Panels I and II
Panel I: Texts and Translations
9.00-10.30 Mark Burden (Bristol)
Origen at Cambridge: Texts and their Transmission
11.00-12.30 Christian Hengstermann (Cambridge)
Gulielmus Spencerus and Henricus Morus. Translating the Cambridge Origenists‘ Latin Works
Panel II: Mind, Soul and Body
14.00-15.30 David Leech (Bristol)
Love and Virtue in Henry More’s Enchiridion Ethicum
16.00-17.30 Karen Felter (Münster)
Spirit and Gender in Anne Conway’s Eschatology
Saturday, 21 October: Workshop Panels III and IV
Panel III: Freedom and Necessity
9.00-10.30 Sarah Hutton (York)
Ralph Cudworth‘s Writings on Liberty and Necessity
11.00-12.30 Christian Hengstermann (Cambridge)
Freedom as Holistic Hegemonikon Causality. Christian Philosophy of Freedom in Ralph Cudworth‘s Treatise of Freewill
Panel IV: The Cambridge Platonists and Continental Europe
14.00-15.30 Marilyn Lewis (Bristol)
“Somewhere in Episcopius”. George Rust and Henry Hallywell‘s use of the Dutch Arminians
16.00-17.30 Andrea Bianchi (Milan)
17th-Century Cambridge Platonists in Continental Europe. Critique and Erudition in the Bibliothèques of Jean Le Clerc
17.30-19.00 Elisa Bellucci (Halle)
Origenian, English, and Kabbalistic Influences on Johann Wilhelm Petersen‘s Apokatastasis Doctrine
ECTS points: 2
Where: Münster University, Germany
Contact: Please contact us via if you have questions or want to sign up for the course
Deadline: September 15, 2017