Lectures from the Origeniana conference in Jerusalem
At the Origeniana conference in Jerusalem (June 2017), three lectures were recorded and are now available at Youtube.

Origen lectures from the Origeniana
The ITN recently participated in the The Origeniana Duodecima in Jerusalem (see here for an ESR report on the experience). The conference was hosted by the Center for the Study of Christianity at the Hebrew University. The theme of the conference was:
Origen's Legacy in the Holy Land–A Tale of Three Cities: Jerusalem, Caesarea and Bethlehem
The organizers recorded three lectures and have them available via Youtube.
1. Keynote Lecture (Prof. Lorenzo Perrone, University of Bologna):
"Origen and His Legacy in the Holy Land: Fortune and Misfortune of a Literary and Theological Heritage"
2. Closing Plenary Session (Prof. Andrew Cain, University of Colorado):
"Jerome's appropiation of Origen in his Pauline commentaries"
3. Closing Plenary Session (Dr. Hillel Newman, University of Haifa):
"Jerome in the Holy Land: The Legacy of Origen and the Legacy of the Jews"
See also the conference website for the program.